How to securely and effectively collect customer data

Customer data is one of the most valuable resources in business today. It helps companies better understand their clients’ needs and interests. However, before companies collect, use, and generate revenue from customer data, they must ensure compliance with data protection laws. Keep in mind these data collection tips to avoid legal fines and penalties. 1. […]

Why your business needs an IT security audit

Over the years, the online business landscape has evolved due to rapid advances in computer technology and the introduction of cloud-based resources that have provided organizations with a viable IT environment to help them manage online operations efficiently. However, as companies build their online infrastructure, they open themselves up to various cyberthreats that can adversely […]

Microsoft Office Delve is useful for SMBs

Microsoft 365 is a cloud-based productivity suite used by many small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). It comes in a wide variety of subscription plans, making it a popular choice for businesses. However, users have expressed some security concerns about storing and accessing data on this platform. Microsoft addresses this issue with Office Delve. What is […]

How does the cloud support business continuity?

Having a business continuity plan ensures that you have constant access to your business’s data, even when a disaster strikes your locale. Understandably, your choice of backup storage media will be critical to the success of such a plan. In this blog, we’ll discuss why the cloud is the ideal place to keep your company’s […]

Why managed IT services is best for SMB cybersecurity

Without technology, businesses cannot compete and succeed. But with the advancement in technology comes the ever-constant threat of hackers and cybercriminals. That’s why small- and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) need to protect themselves with robust cybersecurity solutions managed by reputable managed IT services providers (MSPs). The numbers Through the years, the number of SMBs falling victim […]

The newest updates in the Microsoft 365 Apps admin center

For most businesses, surviving the pandemic depended largely on being able to deploy cloud-based solutions that can support remote work setups and connect multilocational workers. This put the burden of operations on IT administrators, whose roles became more crucial and demanding. Microsoft hopes to ease that burden with these new Microsoft 365 Apps admin center […]

How dashboards can help your business grow

A dashboard is a business intelligence tool that allows businesses to track key performance indicators (KPIs). This can be particularly useful for making informed decisions and strategies. Here are some uses of dashboards in real-life business situations. Marketing insights Your organization’s marketing department analyzes a significant amount of data from various channels. Whether their purpose […]

A closer look at fileless malware

To avoid detection by anti-malware programs, cybercriminals are using fileless malware to initiate attacks. Fileless malware is used to infiltrate trusted applications and issue executables that blend in with normal network traffic, IT processes, and system administration tasks while leaving fewer footprints. Learn more about fileless malware and how they threaten your business. What is […]

How does the Microsoft 365 Apps admin center empower IT admins?

As companies gradually adjust to and recover from the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, IT teams must ensure sufficient support for flexible working arrangements through cloud-based solutions. Microsoft stepped up to the challenge by equipping the Microsoft 365 Apps admin center with powerful features that enable IT administrators to handle these tasks more efficiently. Office […]

Leverage business intelligence to achieve your SMB goals

Business intelligence (BI) tools used to be prohibitively expensive because they required hiring specialists to analyze business data. This is why only large companies could afford them in the past and why small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) were hesitant to implement them. But times have changed. SMBs now have access to a vast range of […]