Reasons to become an Office Insider

With Office Insider, subscribers have the privilege of viewing and testing new Office 365 features before other users. This insider feature targets tech-savvy business owners who want to get ahead of the competition and take their software game to the next level. Early Access Subscribing to Office Insider gives you access to new innovations, security […]

Benefits of machine learning on productivity

Did you know that learning how to use an application is a two-way process? In fact, your applications learn something new about you after every interaction. They take note of your frequently visited sites and other data points to make your tasks easier so you can avoid repetitive work. Before you worry too much about […]

Beware of these 4 types of hackers

Hackers come in all shapes and sizes. From kids wanting to gain notoriety on the internet to political groups trying to send a message, the motives for a cyberattack vary widely. So how can you protect yourself? It all starts with getting to know your enemy a little better. Here’s a profile of four different […]

Forget these disaster recovery myths

Disaster recovery (DR) isn’t what it used to be. Long gone are the days when a DR solution cost over a hundred thousand dollars and relied predominantly on tape backups. Cloud computing has dramatically changed the DR landscape. Unfortunately, there are still many misconceptions about DR. Here are a few of the myths that no […]

What hyperconvergence means for SMBs

Progressive SMBs are defined by how they use technology to achieve business growth. From acquiring new customers to managing suppliers to exceeding sales quotas, IT helps a lot. But traditional hardware and software solutions are expensive to purchase and support. Then again, you’re not a traditional SMB — you’re progressive. What you need is hyperconverged […]

Storage showdown: OneDrive vs SharePoint

Both SharePoint and OneDrive help business owners manage and share data. But selecting the best platform can be difficult and give anyone a big headache. For instant relief, here’s a quick reference to help you choose wisely. Looking for a secure platform to manage your files? Where do you go for help? Should you choose […]

4 Social engineering scams to watch out for

Experts are constantly creating new security systems to protect individuals and businesses from hackers. From those who want to attend popular events like the Olympics to avoiding an angry boss, hackers are preying on gullible victims to circumvent network security systems and steal sensitive information. If you don’t want to be the next victim, read […]