ERP: the software your business needs

Managing a business is complicated enough: different departments like accounting, management, and sales each have its own software and systems. Don’t you just wish there was a less difficult and more efficient way to manage your enterprise? Wish no more, because enterprise resource planning (ERP) software can solve management problems for you. Read on to […]

End ransomware with virtual DR

Ransomware like CryptoLocker and WannaCry has become more sophisticated over the years. No wonder that more ransomware attacks are expected this year. To fend off these threats, turn to virtualized disaster recovery (DR) solutions. They’re your best defense against ransomware. Virtual DR Virtual DR solutions allow you to create point-in-time copies or “snapshots” of operating […]

Top security threats to financial services

Hackers go for the gold. This means that banking information makes for the number one target. These cyberattacks lead to the theft of large sums of money, undermine the economic stability of individuals and organizations, as well as destroy the reputation of banks and other financial institutions. When these incidents occur, the damage can be […]

Disaster recovery audit fail: A few lessons

In talking about disaster recovery plans (DPR), it’s best to illustrate with real-world scenarios to help you understand things better. They offer concrete examples of successes and failures, and you can learn a lot from them. Here’s an example of a DPR audit and the lessons it offers. Hosting certain types of data and managing […]

Virtualization containers 101

The affordability of cloud computing and virtualization are helping small businesses do away with in-house IT hardware. Virtual containers are the next step in that trend. They come with plenty of benefits and are becoming easier to manage every day. What are containers and why are they so popular? Virtual containers are like digital versions […]

Understanding Office collaboration tools

Office 365 is so chock-full of apps, it’s sometimes difficult to keep track of them all. Sure, you have the most popular tools like Word and Skype for Business, but there are three tools in the lineup that seem like they could be used the same way: Outlook Groups, Yammer, and Microsoft Teams. Read on […]

A closer look at fileless malware

To avoid detection by antimalware programs, cybercriminals are increasingly abusing legitimate software tools and legitimate programs in systems to steal data or ruin its integrity. They use fileless malware to infiltrate trusted applications and issue executables that blend in with normal network traffic or IT/system administration tasks while leaving fewer footprints. Ultimately, your business could […]

Keeping track of your business online

Google Alerts lets you monitor the web for mentions of your name, your business, and even your competitor. It’s Google’s user-friendly content change detection and notification service. You only need to follow simple instructions to get alerts whenever you have new mentions on the web! Learn more about this revolutionary tool. What is Google Alerts? […]

Level up your office’s chat app!

Does your company’s chat app feel limited? With the many tasks and people involved in everyday work, having an office tool to help you organize your team not only makes you more efficient, but it also saves time. Here’s how you can use a seemingly simple app that lets you do more than expected. The […]

4 virtualization types and their benefits

The age-old proverb “There’s more than one way to skin a cat” is especially relevant when budgeting for IT services. Virtualization is one such way to “skin the cat,” as it helps businesses achieve their operational needs without having to incur as much expense as it traditionally would. What is virtualization? By virtualizing any of […]